Namespace Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics
- AlphaTestEffect
Built-in effect that supports alpha testing.
- BasicEffect
Built-in effect that supports optional texturing, vertex coloring, fog, and lighting.
- BlendState
Contains blend state for the device.
- DefaultColorProcessors
Represents the default processors used in processing color values. This class cannot be inherited.
- DepthStencilState
Contains depth-stencil state for the device.
- DeviceLostException
The exception that is thrown when the device has been lost, but cannot be reset at this time. Therefore, rendering is not possible.
- DeviceNotResetException
The exception that is thrown when the device has been lost, but can be reset at this time.
- DirectionalLight
Represents a directional light. This class cannot be inherited.
- DisplayMode
Describes the display mode.
- DisplayModeCollection
A collection that manipulates DisplayMode instances.
- DualTextureEffect
Built-in effect that supports two-layer multitexturing.
- DynamicIndexBuffer
Describes the rendering order of the vertices in a vertex buffer. Use DynamicIndexBuffer for storing indices for dynamic vertices and IndexBuffer for indices of non-dynamic arrays.
- DynamicVertexBuffer
Represents a list of 3D vertices to be streamed to the graphics device. Use DynamicVertexBuffer for dynamic vertex arrays and VertexBuffer for non-dynamic vertex arrays.
- Effect
Used to set and query shader effects, and to choose techniques.
- EffectAnnotation
Represents an annotation to an EffectParameter.
- EffectAnnotationCollection
Represents a collection of EffectAnnotation objects.
- EffectMaterial
Contains an effect subclass which is used to load data for an EffectMaterialContent type.
- EffectParameter
Represents an Effect parameter.
- EffectParameterCollection
Represents a collection of EffectParameter objects.
- EffectPass
Contains the rendering state for drawing with an effect.
An effect can contain one or more passes.
- EffectPassCollection
Represents a collection of EffectPass objects.
- EffectTechnique
Represents a technique used in a shader effect.
- EffectTechniqueCollection
Represents a collection of EffectTechnique objects.
- EnvironmentMapEffect
Built-in effect that supports environment mapping.
- GraphicsAdapter
Provides methods to retrieve and manipulate graphics adapters.
- GraphicsDebug
Represents a class for debugging graphics.
- GraphicsDebugMessage
Represents a debug message from the graphics subsystem.
- GraphicsDevice
Performs primitive-based rendering, creates resources, handles system-level variables, adjusts gamma ramp levels, and creates shaders.
- GraphicsResource
Queries and prepares resources.
- IndexBuffer
Describes the rendering order of the vertices in a vertex buffer.
- Model
A basic 3D model with per mesh parent bones.
- ModelBone
Represents bone data for a model.
- ModelBoneCollection
Represents a set of bones associated with a model.
- ModelEffectCollection
Represents a collection of effects associated with a model.
- ModelMeshCollection
Represents a collection of ModelMesh objects.
- ModelMeshPart
Represents a batch of geometry information to submit to the graphics device during rendering. Each ModelMeshPart is a subdivision of a ModelMesh object. The ModelMesh class is split into multiple ModelMeshPart objects, typically based on material information.
- ModelMeshPartCollection
Represents a collection of ModelMeshPart objects.
- NoSuitableGraphicsDeviceException
Thrown when no available graphics device fits the given device preferences.
- OcclusionQuery
Used to perform an occlusion query against the latest drawn objects.
- PresentationParameters
Contains graphics presentation parameters.
- RasterizerState
Contains rasterizer state, which determines how to convert vector data (shapes) into raster data (pixels).
- RenderTarget2D
Represents a 2D texture resource that will be written to at the end of a render pass.
- RenderTargetCube
Represents a texture cube that can be used as a render target.
- ResourceCreatedEventArgs
Provides data for the ResourceCreated event. This class cannot be inherited.
- ResourceDestroyedEventArgs
Provides data for the ResourceDestroyed event. This class cannot be inherited.
- SamplerState
Contains sampler state, which determines how to sample texture data.
- SamplerStateCollection
Represents a collection of SamplerState objects,
- SkinnedEffect
Built-in effect for rendering skinned character models.
- SpriteBatch
Helper class for drawing text strings and sprites in one or more optimized batches.
- SpriteEffect
The default effect used by SpriteBatch.
- SpriteFont
Represents a font texture.
- TargetBlendState
Defines the blend state for a single render target.
- Texture
Represents a texture resource
- Texture2D
Represents a 2D grid of texels.
- Texture3D
Represents a 3D volume of texels.
- TextureCollection
Represents a collection of Texture objects. This class cannot be inherited.
- TextureCube
Represents a set of six 2D textures, one for each face of a cube.
- VertexBuffer
Represents a list of 3D vertices to be streamed to the graphics device.
- VertexDeclaration
Defines per-vertex data of a vertex buffer.
- EffectPassCollection.Enumerator
Enumerator to iterate through the EffectPassCollection
- GraphicsMetrics
A snapshot of rendering statistics from Metrics to be used for runtime debugging and profiling.
- ModelBoneCollection.Enumerator
Provides the ability to iterate through the bones in an ModelBoneCollection.
- ModelEffectCollection.Enumerator
Enumerator to iterate through the ModelEffectCollection
- ModelMeshCollection.Enumerator
Provides the ability to iterate through the bones in an ModelMeshCollection.
- RenderTargetBinding
Represents the binding of a RenderTarget2D used in an array of bindings when setting multiple render targets on the graphics device.
- SpriteFont.Glyph
Struct that defines the spacing, Kerning, and bounds of a character.
- VertexBufferBinding
Defines how a vertex buffer is bound to the graphics device for rendering.
- VertexElement
Defines a single element in a vertex.
- VertexPosition
Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position.
- VertexPositionColor
Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position and color.
- VertexPositionColorNormal
Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position, color and normal data.
- VertexPositionColorNormalTexture
Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position, color, normal data, and one set of texture coordinates.
- VertexPositionColorTexture
Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position, color, and one set of texture coordinates.
- VertexPositionNormalTexture
Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position, normal data, and one set of texture coordinates.
- VertexPositionTexture
Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position and one set of texture coordinates.
- Viewport
Describes the view bounds for render-target surface.
- IEffectBones
Interface for Effects that support bone transforms.
- IEffectFog
The common effect fog rendering parameters.
- IEffectLights
The common effect light rendering parameters.
- IEffectMatrices
Gets or sets transformation matrix parameters for the current effect.
- IGraphicsDeviceService
Provider of a GraphicsDevice.
- IVertexType
Vertex type interface which is implemented by a custom vertex type structure.
- Blend
Defines a blend mode.
- BlendFunction
Defines a function for color blending.
- BufferUsage
A usage hint for optimizing memory placement of graphics buffers.
- ClearOptions
Defines the buffers for clearing when calling Clear(ClearOptions, Color, float, int) operation.
- ColorWriteChannels
Defines the color channels for render target blending operations.
- CompareFunction
The comparison function used for depth, stencil, and alpha tests.
- CubeMapFace
Defines the faces in a cube map for the TextureCube class.
- CullMode
Defines a culling mode for faces in rasterization process.
- DepthFormat
Defines formats for depth-stencil buffer.
- EffectParameterClass
Defines classes for effect parameters and shader constants.
- EffectParameterType
Defines types for effect parameters and shader constants.
- FillMode
Defines options for filling the primitive.
- GraphicsAdapter.DriverType
Defines the driver type for graphics adapter. Usable only on DirectX platforms for now.
- GraphicsDeviceStatus
Describes the status of the GraphicsDevice.
- GraphicsProfile
Defines a set of graphic capabilities.
- IndexElementSize
Defines size for index in IndexBuffer and DynamicIndexBuffer.
- PresentInterval
Defines how Present() updates the game window.
- PrimitiveType
Defines how vertex data is ordered.
- RenderTargetUsage
Defines if the previous content in a render target is preserved when it set on the graphics device.
- SetDataOptions
Defines how vertex or index buffer data will be flushed during a SetData operation.
- SpriteEffects
Defines sprite visual options for mirroring.
- SpriteSortMode
Defines sprite sort rendering options.
- StencilOperation
Defines stencil buffer operations.
- SurfaceFormat
Defines types of surface formats.
- Texture2D.SurfaceType
Defines the values for the surface type of a Texture2D
- TextureAddressMode
Defines modes for addressing texels using texture coordinates that are outside of the range of 0.0 to 1.0.
- TextureFilter
Defines filtering types for texture sampler.
- TextureFilterMode
Represents the texture filtering mode used for texture sampling.
- VertexElementFormat
Defines vertex element formats.
- VertexElementUsage
Defines usage for vertex elements.