Table of Contents

Enum StencilOperation


Defines stencil buffer operations.

public enum StencilOperation


Decrement = 4

Decrements the stencil buffer entry, wrapping to the maximum value if the new value is less than 0.

DecrementSaturation = 6

Decrements the stencil buffer entry, clamping to 0.

Increment = 3

Increments the stencil buffer entry, wrapping to 0 if the new value exceeds the maximum value.

IncrementSaturation = 5

Increments the stencil buffer entry, clamping to the maximum value.

Invert = 7

Inverts the bits in the stencil buffer entry.

Keep = 0

Does not update the stencil buffer entry.

Replace = 2

Replaces the stencil buffer entry with a reference value.

Zero = 1

Sets the stencil buffer entry to 0.