Namespace Microsoft.Xna.Framework
- BoundingFrustum
Defines a viewing frustum for intersection operations.
- Curve
Contains a collection of CurveKey points in 2D space and provides methods for evaluating features of the curve they define.
- CurveKeyCollection
The collection of the CurveKey elements and a part of the Curve class.
- DrawableGameComponent
A drawable object that, when added to the Game.Components collection of a Game instance, will have it's Draw(GameTime) method called when Game.Draw(GameTime) is called.
- ExitingEventArgs
Event arguments for Exiting.
- FrameworkDispatcher
Helper class for processing internal framework events.
- Game
This class is the entry point for most games. Handles setting up a window and graphics and runs a game loop that calls Update(GameTime) and Draw(GameTime).
- GameComponent
An object that can be attached to a Game and have its Update(GameTime) method called when Update(GameTime) is called.
- GameComponentCollection
A collection of IGameComponent instances.
- GameComponentCollectionEventArgs
Arguments for the ComponentAdded and ComponentRemoved events.
- GameServiceContainer
A container for services for a Game.
- GameWindow
The system window used by a Game.
- GraphicsDeviceInformation
The settings used in creation of the graphics device. See PreparingDeviceSettings.
- GraphicsDeviceManager
Used to initialize and control the presentation of the graphics device.
- LaunchParameters
The parameters for launching a Game.
- MathHelper
Contains commonly used precalculated values and mathematical operations.
- PreparingDeviceSettingsEventArgs
The arguments to the PreparingDeviceSettings event.
- TitleContainer
Provides functionality for opening a stream in the title storage area.
- BoundingBox
Represents an axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) in 3D space.
- BoundingSphere
Describes a sphere in 3D-space for bounding operations.
- Color
Describes a 32-bit packed color.
- Matrix
Represents the right-handed 4x4 floating point matrix, which can store translation, scale and rotation information.
- Plane
A plane in 3d space, represented by its normal away from the origin and its distance from the origin, D.
- Point
Describes a 2D-point.
- Quaternion
An efficient mathematical representation for three dimensional rotations.
- Ray
Represents a ray with an origin and a direction in 3D space.
- Rectangle
Describes a 2D-rectangle.
- Vector2
Describes a 2D-vector.
- Vector3
Describes a 3D-vector.
- Vector4
Describes a 4D-vector.
- ICurveEvaluator<T>
Interface for curve evaluation. Implemented by Curve
- IDrawable
Interface for drawable entities.
- IGameComponent
An interface for GameComponent.
- IGraphicsDeviceManager
Used by the platform code to control the graphics device.
- IPlatformBackButton
Allows for platform specific handling of the Back button.
- IUpdateable
Interface for updateable entities.
- ContainmentType
Defines how the bounding volumes intersects or contain one another.
- CurveContinuity
Defines the continuity of keys on a Curve.
- CurveLoopType
Defines how the Curve value is determined for position before first point or after the end point on the Curve.
- CurveTangent
Defines the different tangent types to be calculated for CurveKey points in a Curve.
- DisplayOrientation
Defines the orientation of the display.
- GameRunBehavior
Defines how the Game should be run.
- PlaneIntersectionType
Defines the intersection between a Plane and a bounding volume.
- PlayerIndex
Defines the index of player for various MonoGame components.