Table of Contents

Enum VertexElementUsage


Defines usage for vertex elements.

public enum VertexElementUsage


Binormal = 4

Binormal data.

BlendIndices = 6

Blending indices data.

BlendWeight = 7

Blending weight data.

Color = 1

Color data.

Depth = 8

Depth data.

Fog = 9

Fog data.

Normal = 3

Normal data.

PointSize = 10

Point size data. Usable for drawing point sprites.

Position = 0

Position data.

Sample = 11

Sampler data for specifies the displacement value to look up.

Tangent = 5

Tangent data.

TessellateFactor = 12

Single, positive float value, specifies a tessellation factor used in the tessellation unit to control the rate of tessellation.

TextureCoordinate = 2

Texture coordinate data or can be used for user-defined data.