Table of Contents

How to articles for the Graphics pipeline

These articles provide a details on how to use the Graphics API in MonoGame.

In This Section

This section demonstrates several graphical concepts divided into the following categories:

2D Sprite Rendering

This section walks through several core concepts related to sprite rendering, including drawing text to the screen.


3D Rendering

This section walks through several core concepts related 3D rendering and math practices with MonoGame.

3D Collisions

  • Bounding Volumes and Collisions

    Collision detection determines whether objects in a game world overlap each other.

  • Selecting an Object with a Mouse

    Demonstrates how to check whether the mouse is positioned over a 3D object by creating a ray starting at the camera's near clipping plane and ending at its far clipping plane.

  • Testing for Collisions

    Demonstrates how to use the BoundingSphere class to check whether two models are colliding.

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