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How to transform a Point

This example demonstrates how to use the Vector3 and Matrix classes to transform a point. A matrix transform can include scaling, rotating, and translating information.


Transformation matrices are the cornerstone of 3D rendering and how we manipulate content to be drawn in a 3D environment.


For a great primer on Transformation matrices, check out:

Transformation Matrix Overview - Geeks for Geeks

Transforming a Point with a Matrix

In MonoGame, matrices are transformed using the Vector3.Transform function with an applied matrix.

  1. Create a Matrix by using CreateRotationY or one of the other Create methods.

    Create Rotation Y will create a matrix that is rotated a number of radians around its center.

  2. Pass the point and the Matrix to the Vector3.Transform method.

The following code example is a static function that accept a Vector3 and translate its position (or rotate it) by the amount of radians (NOT degrees) provided.

static Vector3 RotatePointOnYAxis(Vector3 point, float angle)
    // Create a rotation matrix that represents a rotation of angle radians.
    Matrix rotationMatrix = Matrix.CreateRotationY(angle);

    // Apply the rotation matrix to the point.
    Vector3 rotatedPoint = Vector3.Transform(point, rotationMatrix);

    return rotatedPoint;

See Also

Matrix Creation Methods


  • CreateRotationX
  • CreateRotationY
  • CreateRotationZ
  • CreateScale
  • CreateTranslation
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