Table of Contents

What Is Articles for MonoGame

A series of articles to answer common questions related to MonoGame operation!

In This Section

Ever wondered why a specific feature exists and what it is supposed to do? The following articles go into detail as to what each of the major components of the MonoGame Framework do and how best to make use of them.

Where applicable, these articles also cross-reference with the "How-To" articles for the use of these features.


These guides are not meant to be a replacement for "full on" tutorials, they are intended as short cuts to relevant information only.

This section is broken down into 3 distinct categories:

Detailed sections

Due the complexity of the Content and Graphics pipelines, the information is broken up into smaller pieces for easier understanding:

Game Operations

This section details some general aspects of the operation of a MonoGame Framework game.

  • What Is Audio?

    An overview of how the MonoGame Framework provides audio playback through several core audio classes.

  • What Is Input?

    An overview of how the MonoGame Framework provides input management for games.

  • What Is the GameLoop?

    A viewport is a 2D rectangle that defines the size of the rendering surface onto which a 3D scene is projected.

  • What are Vectors, Matrices, and Quaternions?

    Presents an overview of the math-related functionality provided by the MonoGame Framework.

See Also


  • What Is MonoGame Class Library

    An overview of the MonoGame Class Library reference, containing all the API calls available to the MonoGame Framework.

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