Table of Contents

Enum Buttons


Defines the buttons on gamepad.

public enum Buttons


A = 4096

A button.

B = 8192

B button.

Back = 32

BACK button.

BigButton = 2048

Big button.

DPadDown = 2

Directional pad down.

DPadLeft = 4

Directional pad left.

DPadRight = 8

Directional pad right.

DPadUp = 1

Directional pad up.

LeftShoulder = 256

Left bumper (shoulder) button.

LeftStick = 64

Left stick button (pressing the left stick).

LeftThumbstickDown = 536870912

Left stick is towards down.

LeftThumbstickLeft = 2097152

Left stick is towards the left.

LeftThumbstickRight = 1073741824

Left stick is towards the right.

LeftThumbstickUp = 268435456

Left stick is towards up.

LeftTrigger = 8388608

Left trigger.

None = 0

No button set.

RightShoulder = 512

Right bumper (shoulder) button.

RightStick = 128

Right stick button (pressing the right stick).

RightThumbstickDown = 33554432

Right stick is towards down.

RightThumbstickLeft = 134217728

Right stick is towards the left.

RightThumbstickRight = 67108864

Right stick is towards the right.

RightThumbstickUp = 16777216

Right stick is towards up.

RightTrigger = 4194304

Right trigger.

Start = 16

START button.

X = 16384

X button.

Y = 32768

Y button.